proof of life
Proof of Life is the solution that gives authentication and liveliness to a facial record. It can be used in both mobile and WEB environments. Through a video-selfie, it verifies that the facial movements are being made in accordance with those that were requested, being able, in this way, to attest that the user is really involved in the operation.
Liveness proof of life is the solution that gives authentication and liveliness to a facial registration. It can be used in both mobile and web environments. Through a video-selfie, we can identify if the person is alive and guarantee the originality of the video. In addition, we can provide a challenge, in order to verify that the facial movements are being performed in accordance with those that were requested, thus being able to certify that the user is actually performing the operation.

{ "result": { "globalScore": 0.5, "movementScore": 0, "livenessScore": 1, "frontalImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE..." }, "requestId": "JuAHgNavGkW8eK3AzoNyb", "elapsedMilliseconds": 3098, "status": null }
{ "result": { "globalScore": 1, "movementScore": 1, "livenessScore": 1, "frontalImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE..." }, "requestId": "BsgmWxHyGEmLSuv0xnvzN", "elapsedMilliseconds": 4828, "status": null }
{ "result": { "globalScore": 0.5, "movementScore": 0, "livenessScore": 1, "frontalImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE..." }, "requestId": "JuAHgNavGkW8eK3AzoNyb", "elapsedMilliseconds": 3098, "status": null }
Movements requested | ||
smile |
{ "result": { "distances": [ 0.47 ] }, "requestId": "JJd10eifXk20zlvHg2Xpg", "elapsedMilliseconds": 796, "status": { "message": "Success", "code": "S100", "errors": null } }
Movements requested | ||
right | ||
smile | ||
left |
{ "result": { "globalScore": 1, "movementScore": 1, "livenessScore": 1, "frontalImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE..." }, "requestId": "gfEwE9iejki1TTOIV7G1I",
"elapsedMilliseconds": 3588, "status": null }
Movements requested | ||
right | ||
left | ||
smile |
{ "result": { "globalScore": 1, "movementScore": 1, "livenessScore": 1, "frontalImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE..." }, "requestId": "sF2oveZLNUWKUMzOSPqpb", "elapsedMilliseconds": 3233, "status": null }
Movements requested | ||
right | ||
left | ||
smile |
{ "result": { "globalScore": 1, "movementScore": 1, "livenessScore": 1, "frontalImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE..." }, "requestId": "sF2oveZLNUWKUMzOSPqpb", "elapsedMilliseconds": 3233, "status": null }

Automate your company's services safely
Liveness is the best solution for your company, because with it it is possible to detect a non-live image in which the user has no interaction.
Furthermore, it is capable of asking the user for actions that cannot be replicated, preventing fraud.
- Service automation
- Functionality
- Best customer experience
- Quality control